How to order
- Please login if you are registered. You can login later on, too. If you are wholesale partner then the different price conditions and product models may apply.
- Find the product category in the menu on the left
- Select the product, select the product option if available for this product, select the amount to order
- Add to shopping cart
- Continue with selection of additional product or proceed to the shopping cart, step SHOPPING CART
- You can review the products in the shopping cart, adjust ordered amounts, cancel products, etc. When ready proceed to step PAYMENT & SHIPPING there
- Select Delivery country, you may also select different currency.
- Combination of country and currency open the options of differend Delivery and Payment methods you can choose from. If there are eventually no options, try another currency.
- If calculated price with delivery conditions are ok, you can proceed to the step INFORMATION in the shopping cart. You can fill in there your Address details. Please specify company details if you buy on the company behalf, especially Company name and TIN (VAT) code to provide you with appropriate tax calculation (for deliveries within EU reverse charge is applied for the companies with VAT).
- You can still log in. Make sure you are loged in especially if you are wholesale partner to have wholesale pricing conditons applied.
- You can place the order know. You will get the order confirmation sent to your email address specified in the address details.
- Depending on the payment method you will be prompted to provide the payment and/or invoice will be issued.
- The shipment will be prepared and when the payment is confirmed the shippment will be released to you the next working day, if not specified differently for particular selsected products. The order will be delivered based on the delivery method selected - the more details you will find in eshop terms and conditions.